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1970 Baseball Season Opens
The Tullahoma News covers the Motlow Baseball season opener—highlighting players Bill Hill and Glenn Taylor

Motlow Student Officials
Newspaper Photo of Motlow's 1970 Student Government officials and members at large. Names of those pictured are: Cean Tillett, Pricilla Brewer, Jim Lord, John Smiley, Darrell Widner, Mike Stewart, Mike Fowler, David Neal, and Mike Whitney

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Newspaper Photo of the 1970 Cheerleading squad. Those pictured are: Deevida Estill, Patty Keller, Gerri Allbritton, Debbi Winstead, Marilyn Moretti, Nancy Norman, Brenda Jackson, and Newellyn Halfacre

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The Tullahoma News' photo of the 1970-71 Motlow Buck Basketball team. Players pictured are: Gerald Kemp, Paul Williams, Stan Willams
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