File #992: "Mosaic_Spring2008_12.jpg"



Melissa Myers

Deeper the blackness
Of wrong and right
Drowning in shadows
And searching for light
Deeper the darkness
That crowds my mind
Groping for the reason
I hope to find
Deeper the desperation
Of having and wanting
And standing still
Deeper the nothing
My hope my fear

An Old White Wall
Spring Craigue

As white as snow the wall stood pure,
No scratches, no marks- perfection for sure.
Not at all the attraction you'd think it should be,
People strolled by with no desire to see.
Until one day it transformed from plain and bare
Into a famed artist's masterpiece so rare.
The moment his brush grazed over the surface
The unnoticed wall suddenly found its purpose.
Now the eyes that once glanced stare in awe
Because this vibrant art was that boring, old wall.