File #328: "1976 Yearbook0058.jpg"

1976 Yearbook0058.jpg


For the first time at Motlow State Community College, a tennis team was formed. Although the Buck-Netters originated at a late date in the Winter quarter, they have made great strides in the formation of a new and more permanent varsity sport at Motlow. Starting out to be what some thought an experimental group, the 6-man team, plus two alternates, have thus far brought home 34.5% of the wins out of the total games played. The Buck-Netters, now scheduled in their mid-season games, still have 5 intercollegiate matches to make a showing at. The 1976 District Tournies will be held in May, and Motlow has prospects of entering. For a first year team, the “Netters” along with Tim Hendrickson, the coach, have certainly worked hard and deserve a wholesome handshake for their progress!