File #301: "1976 Yearbook0031.jpg"

1976 Yearbook0031.jpg



A year has come to an end. It was a first in many ways for freshmen students. We can look back and remember our bewilderment, frustration and anxiety during those first days of college life. Registration, teacher procedures and just finding our way around all combined to make very new and different experiences for us. And yet, with all the nervousness, it all was really kind of fun because we met new friends, had a few challenges thrust at us and generally grew a little as a person. Some of us are still a little undecided about our goals in life, others are all ready, but we have all been exposed to some new ideas that will lead us to our destinies. And with the close of this year we have fond memories of people and things that are past and we look ahead to what next year will bring to us.
—K. Keese