File #282: "1976 Yearbook0012.jpg"

1976 Yearbook0012.jpg


The many people and places around us bring to our minds the historical background of our county. In the few counties surrounding Motlow College, there are many places of great significance during our Bicentennial Celebration. An antique shop in Fayetteville, Tennessee, characterized by its beautiful white woodwork, is a good example of early architecture designs. Old Stone Fort in Manchester is a State Park that attracts many visitors with its Indian relics. In addition, a hotel in Wartrace dates back many years along with an old car and the Old Jail Museum in Winchester adds much local color to the town through its historical aspects. A view of Tullahoma’s Lincoln Street shows a street without the hustle and bustle of nowaday traffic and only a barber pole to change the scenery. This year is a special time for us to pay tribute to our surroundings and we only need to take a look in our own towns to see how much there is of historic interest and importance.