File #1137: "TullahomaNews_TradersBankdonation_January27_1999.pdf"



Motlow College Photo
Classroom Named for Traders National Bank
Traders National Bank officials recently visited the Motlow College Moore County campus for the dedication of the Traders National Bank classroom in Simon Hall. From left are Bill Culbertson Jr.; Daryl Hammers; Travis Hitt, chairman of the board; Bennie R. Garrick, president of the bank; Thomas Copeland; Robert Graham; David Thomas and Dr. A. Frank Glass, Motlow College president. The classroom, S242, was named to honor the bank's $10,000 commitment to the Motlow College Foundation's Endowment Campaign.

Motlow College classroom named
to honor $10,000 Traders Bank gift

Classroom S242 on the Moore County Motlow College campus was named for Traders National Bank during a recent dedication ceremony at the col- lege, according to Motlow College president Dr. A. Frank Glass.
The classroom naming opportunity honors a $10,000 commitment Traders Bank made last fall to the Motlow College Foundation's Endowment. The Traders National Bank Classroom is located on the second floor of Simon Hall and is marked with a bronze plaque at the room's entrance.

"Officials of Traders Bank have generously supported the college with their attendance at foundation fund-raisers and with monetary gifts," Glass said. "We thank them for their support over the years. This most recent gift brings their total commitment to the college to more than $16,750."

Bennie R. Garrick, Traders Bank president and chief executive officer, said of the bank's support of the college, "We are pleased to have Motlow College as our hometown college and to have the Traders Bank name affiliated with such a quality institution of higher learning. The college has a tremendous impact on the economic and community development of the area."

Travis Hitt is Traders National Bank chairman of the board and C. Ray Copeland is chairman emeritus. Other board
members are Thomas Copeland, Bill Culbertson Jr., Robert G. Graham, Daryl Hammers and David P. Thomas.

The Motlow College Foundation's endowment totals approximately $2 million, with $1.3 of that amount raised through naming opportunities, according to Delene Stone, director of development for the college.
Foundation funds are used for student scholarships, grants, awards and other special college
needs not funded by state appropriations. During the 1997-98 academic year, the foundation was purchased $75,000 in technological classroom equipment and contributed $25,000 for needs-based scholarships, and this year committed $50,000 for scholarships and $50,000 to the college library for the purchase of books and periodicals.

For information call Ms. Stone at 931-393-1692.
