File #1117: "TullahomaNews_1999_January_3_purchasingcourseannouncement.pdf"



Sunday News 1-3-99

Motlow course planned

Review courses for the Accredited Purchasing Practitioner (APP) and Certified Purchasing Manager (CPM), module 1, will be held at Motlow College Wednesday's Jan. 27 through March 10 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. each session. The classes will be led by John D. Madeiros, director of purchasing for Cubic Transportation Systems in Tullahoma.
The $230 fee is all inclusive.

Registrations may be made by calling 393-1758, faxing a name and phone number to Rick Orzino's attention at 393-1761 or by email to by Jan. 12.
