File #1000: "Mosaic_Spring2008_20.jpg"



them. That is one of the reasons I've gone back to school. Through my education I can continue to help the lost and confused.

Over the years, budget cuts, time restraints, and general apathy have eroded our education system. History has become that one little class everyone just has to endure for graduation. The spark is gone. How can people feel pride for something they do not have knowledge of or understand? We tell our children to be proud Americans, but we fail to tell them what it means to be American. All American should know the basics. The reasons for the American Revolution, The Bill of Rights, the U.S. Constitution, the Emancipation Proclamation, the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and the Cold War.

I wrote of awakening from "9-11" and how it changed my life. I cried that day for America, for the lost families, and heroes. I cried later that week because as the truth came out, I realized that America had become like me, too busy to watch, letting someone else decide her issues because it wasn't all apple pie and baseball. We had stuck our heads in the sand. We had become arrogant and self-absorbed. As we watched the towers fall, we were lost and confused. Then as the dust settled, we found the spark. We wiped away tears and became a nation of pride-filled Americans. We came together with civic pride and pulled together. Flags flew; churches were filled; blood donations were abun- dant, and people gave money. After about six months, people were back to normal. The spark was gone.

We need history in elementary schools all the way though sen- ior year of high school. We need the spark. We need pride-filled Ameri- cans to lead us into the future. What would have happened if within six months of the American Revolution or Pearl Harbor everyone had said, "Well okay, I've done my part. I don't feel good about this anymore. I am going to let someone else do this part now"? They had pride. They had the spark. Education ignites the spark.

The Sanction
John Coffelt

As the sun plummets into the craggy western ridge, Elder Fogard climbs into his shiny new Cadillac el Diablo. The trip is a short one. Soon, he gets out of the car into the humid night and walks toward the inhabited remains of a decrepit trailer. On the way to the door, he stumbles on some toy left haphazardly in his path.

Oh, this must be Virginia's, he supposes as he slinks up to the trailer in the darkness carelessly tossing the toy into the weeds.

Bang, bang, bang. The knock penetrates the trailer somewhat like a bell tolling. The cacophony of hollow footfalls on the trailer floor accompanies voices at the excitement of such a late visitor as everyone springs into action. Soon the door is opened for the man. "Hello, Elder Fogard, what can we do for you?" asks the bald- ing man somewhat hiding behind the door with almost fearful resigna- tion in his voice.
"I'm so glad to see you and Diana are feeling better," says the Elder confidently. His whispery smooth voice invades every private corner of the room but is yet not quite loud enough to be called spoken. "So, how's Virginia? I sure hope she is feeling better? I sup- pose I saw one of her toys sitting out in the side yard.”

"Yes, she's doing much better,” replied the balding father. "We thank you for the money to get her some cough syrup.'”

"Stop. It's something any soul would do. Sometimes the Lord sends comfort straight from the hands of his saints. Say, that brings me to the reason of my stopover. Can we sit down?”

"Sure, Elder Fogard, sit here on the couch. Virginia, get your doll off the couch and give the elder a place to sit."

Obediently, Virginia complies. Carefully she picks up her doll, her favorite doll, for it is the only one she has. Turning, she begins to play on the worn beige rug. She is not sure about playing with dolls any more, though Mommy says it will help train her to raise her own sons and daughters. Mommy has not had any more sisters for me to learn to raise since "the scary night." Mommy was going to give Daddy a new baby, and me a sister, until that horrible night. Daddy says the Elder said it happened because Mommy doubted and didn't follow what Daddy had to say. Now, Mommy can never bring him any more babies. So I must learn with my dolly here. Mommy says